As citizens of India we all pay taxes, either in the form of direct taxes or indirect taxes. As we all show our right on the things we own, in the same way when we pay taxes we own the right of information of our Nation. When we have the right we are deemed to ask about the pros and cons of  our property... Then why aren't we so particular about our money.. As if how, where, when it is being used.

Hence we need to realise that now its our duty and by luck we are  equipped with such a powerful weapon of Right To Information Act(RTI) which could help us in our aim of making India as Viswaguru.. So let us all Join hands in this noble act of selfless act of seva and be a Responsible Citizen.

Yuva Nirmaan has been conducting RTI awareness sessions for the volunteers irrespective of their field of study free of cost.. If anyone interested in this campaign and don't have appropriate guidance we are ready to provide them either in the form of 1 day training or 3 day Residential training.....

Goal of this campaign :- Awareness of RTI to the maximum extent possible
Aim of this campaign :- Every govt office in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana should provide basic information of 17 points listed under sec4(1)b of RTI act.
Campaign ends on 12th October,2015.

Contact Information:-

If you are interested to attend training sessions on RTI Act. 

Jai Hind!!!!
Vande Mataram!!!!

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