Rani Lakshmibai

Rani Lakshmibai was the queen of the Maratha ruled pricely state of Jhansi which is situated in the north central part of India. She played a very important role during the first war of India’s Independence started in 1857. She fought against the rule of the British East India Company in India and was one of the great leaders of the Indian Rebellion.

Life of Rani Lakshmibai

Born to a Maharashtrian family at Kashi in the year 1828 she was called as Manikarnika (Manu) in her childhood. She was born to Moropant Tambe and Bhagirathi Sapre. She lost her mother when she was just four years old. Her father used to work for a court Peshwa of Bithoor district. While pursuing studies she even took the training of horse riding, sword fighting and shooting on a target with a gun.

She was married to the Maharaja of Jhansi, Gangadhar Rao. She was called Rani Lakshmi Bai after her marriage. In the year 1851 she gave birth to a child but her son couldn’t survive more than 4 months. They adopted a child who was Anant but was been named as Damodar Rao after their actual son. To ensure that the British do not raise an issue Lakshmibai ensured that the adoption being witnessed by the local British representatives.

Invasion of the British

Lord Dalhousie was the Governor General of British India that time. As Damodar Rao was the legal heir to the throne the British rulers refused to accept him as the legal heir of Jhansi. Lord Dalhousie had decided to capture the state of Jhansi according to the Doctrine of Lapse. Rani Lakshmibai filed an appeal for the hearing of her case in London which was rejected. The British officials confiscated the state jewels and asked Rani to leave Jhansi.

Struggle of Rani Lakshmibai

She was a symbol of patriotism and self respect. She was firm in protecting her kingdom against the British rule and was not ready to leave Jhansi so she started seeking the support of others and formed a volunteer army. In her army not only men but women was also active. They were also given training to fight a battle and were taught horse riding, sword fighting and martial arts.

Rani Lakshmibai defended Jhansi from being invaded by the armies of the neighbouring rajas of Orchha and Datia. In 1858 the Britishers headed towards Jhansi and Lakshmibai gave them a tough fight which carried for two weeks. Finally, the Britishers were successful in the annexation of the city. However Lakshmibai succeeded in escaping along with her son. After her escape she went to Kalpi where she joined with Tatya Tope and then seized Gwalior.

Death of Rani Lakshmibai

When Britishers entered Rani Lakshmibai dressed as a man, strapped her baby back. She holds the horse reins in her mouth and had two swords in her hands. At the age of 22 she lost her life fighting for her kingdom. She was a brave freedom fighter and great leader.

1 comment:


    Is accepting as fact that God created the heavens and the earth strictly a faith alone concept? Is it not logical that an intelligent designer had to be involved in the creation process?

    FAITH: Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

    I accept the Genesis account to be true because of faith. Why? Because I trust the Bible to be the infallible word of God.

    LOGIC: Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen , being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.

    I accept the words in Romans 1:20 not only by faith, but by logic as well. I can see clearly God's hand in creation.


    If you were shopping for a house and you walked into a housing development you had never been to before, and saw a house you wanted to purchase, would you not have to to accept the existence of that house by faith and logic?

    FAITH: Since you did not see anyone build the house, you would have to accept by faith it was built by an intelligent designer. How many years do you think it would take for wood, brick and mortar to evolve into a house?

    Logic: Since the house is in your sight, is it not logical that someone built the house?

    Everyone agrees that billions of years would not be long enough for brick, wood, and mortar to evolve into a house.

    To believe the theory of evolution you not only have to contradict logic, but you have to forsake reason.

    Those who deny that God exists and is the creator of all things, are truly without excuse!

    THE DEFINITION OF FAITH IN THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION: Faith in evolution is to believe that, nothing accidentally created the heavens and the earth over billions of years.

    (All Scripture quotes from:NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE)

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