RTI Sample Application Form under Section 4 of RTI ACT


The Public Information Officer,

*Sub: Application under the Right to Information Act 2005 *

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please provide the following information under the Right to Information act 2005, with respect to

1. Under Section 4 (1) (a) of the Right to Information act 2005, all public authorities are suppose to maintain all their records duly catalogued and indexed in a manner that facilitates the Right to Information. In this regard, what steps have been taken by the your office to meets its obligation under Section 4(1) (a). Please provide details of steps, mechanisms, process and/or systems adopted by the your office to fulfill this responsibility.

2. Please provide certified copies of the instructions/ orders etc. received from superior authorities with respect to implementation of the Right to Information act 2005.

1. Under Section 4(2) of the Right to Information act 2005, all public authorities have to *suo motu* disclose information pertaining to their functioning as per the 17 points listed under Section 4(1) (b). In this regard please provide the following information:-

1. Has the your office/department *suo motu* made public, information falling under all the 17 points listed under section 4(1) (b)?

2. If yes, please provide information regarding the medium and format in which the information has been displayed.

3. Is this information easily accessible? Please list the options available to the public to access this information. 

4. What steps has your office taken to provide as much information as possible *suo motu* to the public so that they do not have to apply under section 4 (2) of the RTI Act 2005? Please provide details of steps taken.

5. What steps have been taken by your office to disseminate widely the information w.r.t section 4 (1), in a manner easily accessible to the public? Please provide details of the steps taken for dissemination.

6. Has your office updated the information listed in the 17 points under section 4(1) (b)? If yes, then please provide the dates on which the information was updated, the process undertaken to update the information, the officer(s) in-charge of ensuring that the information is updated and made available under section 4(1) (b).

7. Has your office put up notice boards under section 4 (4) (ref. to explanations), giving the details about the CPIO etc.: in its office, subordinate offices. If yes, then please provide certified copies of office orders sent to the concerned offices and action taken report received from them.

1. Has your office published all relevant facts while formulating policies or announcing decisions that affect the public as required under Section 4(1) (c)? 

1. If yes, then please provide certified copies of notifications, orders, government resolutions, circulars and any other means of communication or documents, files including file notings through which the same was carried out.

1. What steps have been undertaken by your office to ensure that it provides reasons for its administrative or quasi-judicial decisions to affected persons? Please provide details of the process, mechanism and/or systems that are in place to meet this obligation under Section 4(1) (d).

1. With respect to point 3 (g) above, I would like to inspect the said work under section 2 (j) subsection (i) of the RTI act 2005. Please let me know the date, time and venue for the inspection.

The above requested information maybe kindly furnished within the time period of 30 days as provided in section 7. I am depositing Rs. 10 as application fees.

Please do not use any acronym/abbreviations in the reply. The reply should be English under section 7(9) of the RTI act 2005.

If you do not directly deal with this application or a part thereof, kindly forward it to the right PIO under section 6(3) of RTI Act with intimation to me. You are required to do so within 5 days of receipt of thisapplication, as per section 6(3) of the Act.

Thanking You, 

Yours Faithfully,

Applicant Name

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