Andhra Kesari Tanguturi Prakasam Pantulu

Andhra Kesari Tanguturi Prakasam Pantulu was a greatest freedom fighter,born to Subbamma and Venkata Narasimham, he was the first CM for the state of Andhra State.Actively participated in Quit India Movement and was in jail for 3 years renounced his government job to join independence struggle.Was a famous barrister at that time.

Name : Tanguturi Prakasam
Date of Birth: 23-Aug-1872.
Date of expiry: 20-May-1957
Title : Andhra Kesari
Fathers Name : Venkata Narasimham
Mothers name : Subbamma
Place of Birth :Vinodarayuni Palem
Profession : Lawyer
Elected as Municipal Chairman of Rajamundry .
Studied Barrister in London
The greatest leader who gave up his government job to join Independence struggle.

Prakasam Pantulu Political Life:
He became first CM of Andhra State on 30th April 1946.
Elected to Central Legislative assembly in 1926
Actively Participated in protest against Simon Commission visit in India .
Actively Participated in Quit India Movement and was put into prison for 3 years.
Member of AICC Worked as revenue minister for a short span in Rajagopalachari Ministry.

Prominent things named after Prakasam's name:
1.Prakasam District previously named ongole was named after his name.
2.Prakasam Barrage at Vijayawada named after his name.
3.Sri Prakasam Government Junior College and High school
4.Andhra Kesari Centenary Junior College.
5.Prakasam Engineering college.


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