Only Yuva can Change India

Youth is the pillar of every nation’s growth story. And, making India an emerging global economic superpower the contribution of Yuva (youth) is the highest. Only youth can change India, a country of contrasts, diversities and disparities. Politics, corruption and education are the three important factors that will lead to attain India’s ambitious goal of being a developed nation by 2025.
POLITICS : In spite of several flaws, democratic system of India is a significant factor behind its growth. According to statistics, more than 65% Indian youth are averse to politics. They think it as a dirty game and people having money and muscle power are the only eligible candidates to contest elections in India. This attitude needs a sea change if we are really looking forward for a better India. To change the system we have to become a part of the system first. Every adult Indian should vote as it is his/her inborn right. Compare the activities and achievements of new breed of youth politicians of India, with their older counterparts, you can mark the difference.  Youth has the capability to think differently, chalk out the plan differently and implement it properly. Hence, more involvement of Indian youth in politics will definitely add to its performance and improve its tarnished image.
CORRUPTION : “Pay a bit extra and get the work done quickly”- perhaps more than 70% of the Indians believe in this philosophy. This attitude has amplified corruption leaps and bounds.  That is the reason why India is placed at higher position in annual report of transparency international and at a lower position in the HDI index prepared by UNDP. RTI has empowered Indians to collate information regarding every paisa spent from Government treasury for public welfare. Youth can use RTI as a vital tool in the direction of curbing corruption. Youth administrators and politicians can start an initiative to curb corruption by publicly announcing their property and assets.
EDUCATION : “Each one- Teach one” should be the spirit of every educated Indian. Educating a kid means opening a vast door of opportunities before him/her. “Teach India” an initiative taken by the Times of India was a praiseworthy concept in this regard. Contrary to common belief, employees of several MNCs joined this program and taught kids in the slum areas. It signifies that, the Indian youth wants to see a change in India and wants to be a part of it, but searching for the right platform.
-Sainadh Reddy


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