India After Independence

Author-  Vidyadharghate 

India got freedom on 15th August 1947. Many unknown heroes risked their lives so that all of us may breathe in freedom. Achieving independence was a tremendous task.
After the building of the country began in right earnest. India is heading towards major superpower in the world. During the last sixty years, India has seen many up and downs.
Typically speaking, if a person reaches 63 years of age, he is labeled as an ‘Old Crippled’. One can construe the picture of a man who is bed-ridden, invalid and too old to respond to any kind of treatment.
He just lay aside, cherishing its blooming youthful days or he employs his time by playing with his grandchildren, but now the things have changed.
India is a 63 years old country, but is still very young, highly energetic and is working enthusiastically towards its betterment. India was free from the clutches of British in 1947.
We still remember those stalwarts who sacrificed their lives to free us from British’ cage enabling us to fly freely, independently in the air.
We all know and have studied umpteen numbers of times about it in our History books. We studied what all “Our Father of the Nation”- “Mahatma Gandhi” did. We all our aware of the Jaliianwala Bagh tragedy and many such sacrifices.
We normally say that British ruled our country – they exploited us. But, what they have given us is unity. They united our country. However, we remained united till their time only, what happened after that? Today in most of the families the two brothers are at daggers drawn with each other. Everyone under the sun has become self-centered. We all curse British, but become eagerly excited, over-enthusiast
ic when we get an opportunity to go abroad, like to the Big Apple. After all, who wants to stay in a country endowed with unemployment, extreme poverty, filthiness, corruption, dowry deaths and all other social evils, but remember the case of Kiranjit Walia – who bore the virulent atrocities of her husband for 10 years, no not in a diminutive village but in a country like London.
Eventually, she was free and people of London persistently protested against the government to release her, Even George Bush’s wife awarded her as she emanated valour, courageousness. Her dauntless act to rescue herself was truly remarkable. She won Kudos, praises, etc.
But what if the same thing would have happened in India? Remember that case of a girl who was just about to get married, her in-laws demanded dowry on the verge.
As it was unbearable to see the sight of how her father was accosting, her doughty act of calling cops just after few hours when she was about to tie the nuptial knot had labeled her as the most astonishingly talented women.
Though being the only incident, has instilled, infused a spirit of bravery, dauntlessness, valor into female members. Yes, India has done progress, but still the disease of discrimination between male and female still exits.
After 63 years, India has got its women president Ms. Pratibha Devi Singh Patil. Now, we all assess her rule, her power what changes she is going to make. Instead of saying what has to be done, we all seriously hope that she will says let’s do it.
It is the people, their power of knowledge, caliber, and perseverance that makes a country good and great… it is their highly intellectual minds, decisiveness, their open and above board dealings with others. A country is empty if there are no people. We the people form our Government; we the people
rule not our lives but the whole life of our stupendous country. We the people make or mar the present, future of our country. We the people mould, shape our country in whatever manner we want to.
Like a one person cannot contribute significantly towards the prosperity, success of the country in the same manner it is not in the hands of one person to change it. It is the collective responsibility of all and sundry to make a gloriously bright, radiant future and to be linked together in its weal and woe.
We all know that it sounds the same and hackneyed but as a matter of fact this is the only transparent and solid truth. It is we the people only who back-bite and says bad things about our country, thus this is the major reason why our country is lacking far behind and is deprived of numerous facilities as compared to others. We all should become at home in this fact.
As our Country has attained its 63 years of Independence, we must consider what the prime ministers starting from Jawaharlal Nehru to Dr. Man Mohan Singh have promised about the developments that they will do in the fields of agriculture, industry, infrastructure, education etc and the various measures implemented towards the economic growth of our country.
There longevity of speech should not reflect about the planned tasks but about the accomplished tasks – that has been the biggest achievement of our country.
Let’s have a look at the visible achievements made by our country so far:
Eventually, our government has once utilised its funds in an appropriate manner. Metros have made our lives relatively easier as the gap of communication has been minimised.
A person does not have to wait for hours for buses. This is indeed a big achievement, and various other metros projects, which are coming up; our country is giving business to French government, thus ameliorating our relations.
In terms of technology, the high emergence of mobile companies, nowadays even a scrap or a vegetable vendor possess a mobile phone. The trade of mobile phone contributes more then 50% towards our economic growth. Tata has created people’s car of 1 lakh they are some of the incredibly great achievements.
With RBI reducing the interest rates, Sunil Mittal acquiring Arcelor, Tata acquiring Corns, with the emergence of SEZ zones, many foreign companies intruding into India to setup their business, is in itself a great achievement, but various pros and cons attached to it.
Recently Ranbaxy lost over Pfizer over a new drug. Scientists have discovered a new planet, a star, etc.
India has sent a space shuttle into the space. That’s a landmark!
Indo-USA Deal:
It is not an achievement till yet, as the major, intense, hot dispute going between the left and the Congress for their 123 agreement has put the deal in a state of uncertainty, in a high suspense. Prime Minister has strictly said like it or lump it. But what if the Government will dissolve and the coalition government will be formed.
Shilpa Shetty winning the Big Brother Show, making herself an international personality in abroad, thus making of our country proud on British grounds is a great achievement in the entertainment field. Further, with the recent win at the Oscars, we have way to go!
Education Sector:
In a quick recap of our budget which lays emphasis on education sector is so far in the process.
No doubt the infrastructure of our country has shown immense improvement with the emergence of highways, toll bridge, metros etc.
Achievement means things, which we have successfully acquired, attained, and obtained with our hard, honest and hearty work.
As mentioned above, we all are essentially self- centered, terribly selfish human beings, we want to play because we want to make centuries, we went to shine in our lives, we want to create history by making our new records, but the day we start playing as a team, not for our individual selves, we are sure to win a world cup.
Students and young generation play an important role in the process of national development. If they are good, only then the sacrifices made by our known and unknown freedom fighters will be worthwhile. Only then, India will be happy and prosperous.


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