Poems by Ram Prasad Bismil

Secret Of Life
Ours is the talk in the field of foe,
See! which stage has reached this show.

O Countrymen! you learn to sacrifice,
The secret of life is to cut across flow.

Take it to shore very soon O Sailor!
The boat of our country is out of the row.

How be remove the dark of distress,
This is now only our worry and woe.

Hang me up for the sake of freedom,
Rest is the will of a 'Bismil's woe.         --Ram Prasad Bismil

A Martyr's Morale

We too could take the rest at home,
We too could enjoy the pleasure of 'foam',
We too had been the sons of someone,
To nourish us what they have not done.
At the time of departure from our home,
We could'nt say at least to them-
'In case if the tears dropp in lap,
Think as if your child is there.'

In our's fate was the torture since birth,
We had the dole, the distress & dearth.
Who had the care and dare so dire!
When we took our step in fire.
Till farther had tried the country to sheer.

We have no woe of self but bother,
Why downfall does the country disorder.
When cometh the year of freedom in nation,
Ours is the race that feels us a 'passion'.
It's only we, who are anxious to die everywhere.

 O Youths! in case if it clicks to you,
Remember 'us' ever for a while in view.
Whether your body be cut into pieces,
And your mother be drench in distress,
Yet your faces should be fresh with flair.

In our veins runs the blood of a moth,
We have now taken for the Nation an oath.
So are performed customs of a Martyr,
The brothers embrace their swords altogether,
And the sisters are ready to sit on the pyre.

We dedicate head and sacrifice heart,
To our motherland we offer every sort.
We know not where to dwell & dine,
Be merry friends! we march align,
To inhabit any solitude somewhere.

O Youths! it's the proper time to face,
Wear every sort of suffering for the race.
It's nothing if you bestow for country,your blood.
Take the blessings of Mother in a flood.
Let us see! who cometh next to share? [Translation by Dr.'Krant' M.L.Verma]

The Desire For Sacrifice

The desire for sacrifice is now in our hearts
We shall now see what strength there is in the boughs of the enemy.
O country, Why does no other speaks?
Whoever I see, is gathered quiet in your party...
O martyr of country, of nation, I submit myself to thee
For yet even the unacquainted speaks of thy courage
The desire for struggle is in our hearts
We shall now see what strength there is in the boughs of the enemies.
When the time comes, we shall show thee, O heaven
For why should we tell thee now, what lurks in our hearts?
We are pulled to service, by the hope of martyrdom
The gathering of the lovers for martyrdom is in the house of the enemy
The desire for struggle is in our hearts
We shall now see what strength there is in the boughs of the enemies.
Armed does the enemy sit, ready to attack on that side
Ready too are we, our bosoms thrust out to him on this side
With blood we shall play Holi, if our nation is in need
The desire for struggle is in our hearts
No sword can sever hands that have the heat of battle within,
No threat can bow heads that have risen so
Even furthermore will rise the flame that is inside us
and the desire for struggle is in our hearts
We set out from our homes, our heads shrouded with cloth(our body bag) ,
Holding our lives in our hands, do we march so
In our assembly of death, life is now but a guest
The desire for struggle is in our hearts
Stands the enemy in the gallows thus, asking,
Does anyone has a wish for martyrdom?
With a host of storms in our heart, and with revolution in our breath,
We shall knock the enemy cold, and no one shall stop us
What guts does our destination has, to stay away from us
The desire for struggle is in our hearts
What good is a body that does not have passionate blood,
How can a boat tied to shore contest with storms over wild seas
The desire for struggle is in our hearts,
We shall now see what strength there is in the boughs of the enemies.

Last Verse of Bismil

What's the use hats off, when the person died,
What's the use of message which came after tide.

 When hopes were dead & died every thought,
What's the use of message if the messenger brought.

 O Heart! go away from here and destroy thy notion,
What's the use of it if thou did after motion.

 Alas! had we seen our goal alive,
What's the use of it, if achieved after life.

Worth seen were the last moments of 'Bismil',
What's the use if the people saw it after thrill.

[translated by Dr.'Krant' M.L.Verma]

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