Physically challenged people were challenging there life at here.

It is the place which questions the humanity of the humans. Is the mistake of humans or non-humans? 

Physically challenged people were challenging there life at here.

Here, it is the perfect question of mother-hood. Because, it is very difficult to a mother to grown up his child in such a mental situation. As social sympathy also may play key impact on mother. Situations are very waste. But……………..
 “Mother is best challenging person in land”

A grown up child may also effect with mental condition of his mother .No one look over such a children ,It will be very tuff situation for that child to move in society .Humanoid will not even think about such a children’s just sorrowing on then, but children likes to say “We are not sorrowful children we are also social children” As they cannot say this.

As we them as physically handicapped, there living has also been same way. Improper cover of roof, wash room without doors etc… Things are very horrible to describe, condition are very harsh to live, and it’s a terrible situation for every hearts. “It is a heart touching scenes over there as we cannot even touch them”.

Improper food provisions, ill utilization of nutrients, waste material food, and un cleaned kitchen looked so mercy. Which also made some more effect on their health condition?

Even in taking care of their daily based food will be very miserable to watch. Some of them can’t experience the taste of their own since their hand cannot move.

People of blind, physically/mentally challenged are in living in very horrible conditions without any proper care. Realize that they are needy one but not suspended one. “Stop pitying on them and start serving”

We the Indians having much more humanity than others, it has been the time for everyone to think about need’s and make sure for them we are not in need as well as we are not orphans I had much bigger family than anybody else. The situations are of heart shaking, you should serve them for better society. As we are all of children’s of

Don’t think I have so much they have so little .As once we see into deeper layer of earth its look like a small piece of stone what we are in that how much we had in that. So,
 “Works of love are works of peace”- Sister Niveditha

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